Oceanness Featured in Norwegian Newspaper

by Gaute H. November 15, 2020 1 min read

Oceanness in Norwegian Newspaper Grimstad Adressetidende

Oceanness featured in Norwegian newspaper Grimstad Adressetidende
Oceanness featured in Norwegian Newspaper Grimstad Adressetidende
Oceanness featured in Norwegian Newspaper Grimstad Adressetidende
Oceanness featured in Norwegian Newspaper Grimstad Adressetidende
Oceanness featured in Norwegian Newspaper Grimstad Adressetidende

The article was also featured in the printed paper version:

Oceanness article in Norwegian newspaper Grimstad Adressetidende

Gaute H.
Gaute H.

Founder of Oceanness. Enjoys the ocean, hanging out with friends, and exploring the world. Favorite ocean animal: Dolphins.

Also in The Oceanness Blog | Ocean Conservation & Sustainable Fashion

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