Reduce Your Plastic Footprint with these Ocean-Minded Tips

by Gaute H. January 01, 2023 2 min read

Turtle underwater

It's a new year, and with it comes New Year Resolutions! The #1 reason that New Year's Resolutions fail is because we set big, vague goals. However, a plastic-free New Year's Resolution is totally achievable if you break them down into smaller, more manageable steps.

You don't have to save the ocean by yourself and go totally plastic-free tomorrow. Instead, pick an ocean-minded New Year's Resolution that you feel is achievable. Below, we have listed three ocean-minded tips to help you reduce your plastic footprint in the coming year. Pick your favorite, and let us know how it goes!

Reusable straw
1. Sip your way to a cleaner ocean

Did you know that 500 million straws are used every day in the US only? That's enough to wrap around the earth 2.5 times. And they're not even recyclable!

This year, skip the single-use straws in favor of reusable straws. Get a collapsible one and put it on your keychain, and you'll be ready to refuse single-use plastic straws wherever you go. This way, you'll help keep plastic out of landfills and the ocean.

Recycle plastic
2. Avoid virgin plastic

Did you know that virgin plastic is made from petrochemicals, which are chemicals derived from oil? Today, about 60% of all clothes are made from virgin polyester, which is a form of plastic and consequently derived from oil. Recycled polyester is an eco-friendly alternative that recycles post-consumer plastic bottles into apparel, diverting it from landfills.

Research brands before purchasing their products and support those that use recycled materials and make sustainability a priority.

Eating outside, sustainable lifestyle
3. Be conscious about your lifestyle

The main reason plastic has become one of the world’s most popular materials is because it makes life convenient. But you don’t have to sacrifice convenience for sustainability. Pay attention to places where you encounter a lot of plastic, like the grocery store, and find ways to swap plastic for an option that’s equally convenient but way more sustainable. It is also smart to keep extras on hand and plan where you’ll store them so they’re always accessible when you need them.

Going back to our grocery store example, single-use plastic bags are some of the most littered items. With some forethought you can easily avoid them. For example, you can store reusable bags in your car, purse, or by the front door. Conscious everyday choices go a long way in reducing your single-use plastic footprint.

Beach cleanup
Bonus tip: Don't pass it up, pick it up

Avoiding single-use plastic is the best way to prevent plastic pollution, but it’s also important to clean up the plastic that’s already polluting the environment. If you see trash on the ground, don’t pass it up. Pick it up and get it into the nearest trash can! What about organizing a social and fun cleanup with friends and family at your favorite beach or park?

Alternatively, you can let us do the work for you! Purchasing any Oceanness product pulls 2 kg plastic waste from waterways, equivalent to 100 plastic bottles. So what are you waiting for? Let’s commit to a cleaner ocean today!

Gaute H.
Gaute H.

Founder of Oceanness. Enjoys the ocean, hanging out with friends, and exploring the world. Favorite ocean animal: Dolphins.

Also in The Oceanness Blog | Ocean Conservation & Sustainable Fashion

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